
Official Release

Installation via pip (Recommended)

You can easily install DiffuseChain and its dependencies using the Python package manager, pip. Open your terminal or command prompt and enter the following command:

pip install diffusechain

Automatic1111 API

Diffusechain acts as a wrapper around the Automatic1111 API, which provides additional functionalities to generate images easily. To utilize this feature, you need to have an instance of the Automatic1111 service running.

Please follow the setup guide provided by Automatic1111 to get the API instance up and running.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Diffusechain and are ready to explore the exciting world of image generation. Here is a quickstart guide to get started using Diffusechain

If you encounter any issues during installation or have questions about using Diffusechain, please don't hesitate to reach out to our community or open an issue on GitHub. Happy generating!

Last updated